Mr. Bing Wang


With a career spanning over sixteen years, Mr. Bing Wang stands as a beacon in the corporate world, particularly in financial and business leadership. His illustrious journey includes a remarkable fourteen-year tenure with the world’s largest PR firm, where he excelled as the Regional Finance Director and Corporate Controller.

Armed with a Bachelor’s degree in commerce specializing in Accounting, Mr. Wang further amplified his credentials by acquiring the CGA designation, a legacy association of CPA, shortly after his graduation. This educational foundation, combined with his adept skills in data analysis, project management, financial planning, and forecasting, firmly establishes Bing as a leading expert in the business domain. His contributions to the field and the club make him an invaluable asset to both peers and those seeking guidance. Bing’s unparalleled combination of strategic insight and operational excellence has positioned him as a trusted advisor for businesses on the lookout for efficient and effective growth strategies.

As an immigration practitioner, Mr. Wang is a passionate advocate for enhanced immigration policies. He consistently liaises with three levels of government, championing reforms that assist employers in the timely recruitment and retention of international talents. He is currently collaborating with several rural communities, urging the Department of Immigration to establish a permanent program tailored to the northern rural regions. His dedication underscores his commitment to shaping a more inclusive and effective immigration landscape in Canada.

Within the RCIC Club, Mr. Wang’s dedication shines through his initiatives to fortify networks with peers and stakeholders. He is at the forefront of creating avenues for members to share knowledge and gain deeper insights into the industry’s best practices.

Outside the Club, Mr. Wang ‘s entrepreneurial spirit is evident. He helms several business operations, from managing a private equity commercial real estate firm and a management consulting practice to his role as Managing Broker for a licensed real estate brokerage firm that encompasses trading, rental, and strata management. Additionally, he spearheads a family entertainment enterprise based in Saskatchewan and offers tailored immigration services, underscoring his vast and diverse professional portfolio.