Lily Lee
Ms. Lily Lee is a seasoned Canadian federal and Saskatchewan dual-licensed immigration consultant, and an appointed Commissioner for Oaths in Ontario. She is the first Chinese immigration consultant practicing in Saskatchewan. She is the founder of the Canadian Immigration Consultants’ Club (RCIC Club) and the sole Chinese-background committee member and member review officer for the Ontario region at the the Canadian Professional Immigration Consultant Association. She is also a member of the Western Returned Scholars Association, and director for the Hubei Chamber of Commerce in Canada and Wuhan University Alumni Association in Canada.
As a graduate of computer science from Wuhan University, Ms. Lee obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in economics and management from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. She pursued further studies in France as a recipient of the Hewlett-Packard scholarship, gaining admission to a prestigious French business school ranked 17th in Europe. She obtained a Master’s degree in international trade from this school, which was ranked 9th globally in that field. She also holds a leadership certificate from the University of Toronto.
As a well-known female entrepreneur in consulting, education, human resources, and investment groups, she has received numerous awards as an outstanding entrepreneur in both China and Canada and has been featured by television, radio, newspapers, and magazines in China, Canada, and the United States. She is the organizer and author of “Chinese Entrepreneur Talk”. In 2012, she was selected by China Daily as one of the “80 Outstanding Overseas Chinese Leaders.” She also won the 8th Outstanding Chinese Entrepreneur in Canada Award.
She has held various positions in the Hubei Association of Canada (former vice-president), Saskatchewan Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Chinese Students and Scholars Association, and Asia Pacific Students Association.
In 2022, Ms. Lee was awarded the prestigious Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal for her significant contributions to society.